Piece 9 (from Outta Space) - the final piece in this series
Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 7:54AM

The final piece in this series (exploring chaotic control systems in VCV Rack, and its iPad realization, miRack) is an example of a hand-controlled randomly-controlled feedback system involving multiple random generators and multiple Low Frequency Oscillators, controlling four Oscillators arranged in a feedback loop.  So the result could be a mess, but not nearly as messy as when we add manual control from an X-Y pad on a Korg nanoKEY.  This allows me to select between 10 different chaotic states of the system, and also to control the degree of reverb that will be applied to it.  NOW were getting really messy, but also having a patch that allows me a pretty great degree of physical control in the shaping of the sound.  Recently, I've been doing some research into what I did in my very early analog synthesis work and with this piece, I think I'm approaching the kind of verve and sonic shaping I used in those days, while working with the capabilities of the latest developments in modular design.  The patch is based on the VCV Rack Audible Instruments realisations of Olivier Gillet's Mutable Instruments designs, with Antonio Tuzzi's NYSTHI modules providing control, display, mixing and reverb functions.  I especially like the four waterfall displays on the right.  They provide a real sense of a real-time visual score of the sound gestures in the piece


Article originally appeared on WARREN BURT (http://www.warrenburt.com/).
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