Illawarra Video Installation Documentary Video Now on YouTube

It's almost a contradiction in terms that a work such as my video installation "Illawarra-The Lake In Winter", which relies on being in a large space with large projections for its impact, should be reduced to the lo-res video and lo-fi sound of YouTube. However, for all those friends who can't make it to Wollongong for the show, which closes March 26 (and yes, I acknowledge that parking is IMPOSSIBLE on the UoW Campus - my best suggested times for visiting are late afternoons, especially late Friday - there are usually parking spots available then), you can at least get the flavor of the installation from this little documentary video. And besides, maybe this video will serve to interest a curator somewhere to want to put the installation on in their gallery, and then the work can have another life in another place.
Warren Burt: Illawarra-The Lake In Winter (2007-2010) University of Wollongong Gallery until March 26, 2010