City Night Rain - a new video work

Wednesday 20 April, was a rainy night in Melbourne. The downpour turned the streets into a mud river. I felt like a character in a detective novel, or even a noir film like Blade Runner. All my thoughts were turning into quotes from old detective radio shows! Only one thing to do, Quick! Whip out the cell phone and take a 30 second video of the night. On Good Friday, I uploaded the video to my computer, and began playing with it. Various electronic modifications of the video (all slowly changing, of course), and stretchings of the soundtrack, and a couple of tracks of microtonal electric piano chords were mixed in. I found the results quite moody and lovely. A portrait of the city on a very rainy night. And my first video work in quite a while. Here's hoping more follow soon. This one will look best, I think, in full screen with the lights off, and the sound at a pleasant, but not too loud, volume.