Photos from Sound Poetry Performance at La Mama, 18 March 2013

Here are some photos from a performance I gave as part of La Mama Poetica, on March 18. The performance was organized by Sjaak de Jong, and featured Jaap Blonk, Santo Cassati, jeltje, Sjaak, Mark Lewis, and Peter Fraser as well as myself. A good time was had by all. I was performing on an iPhone (not visible in these pix), an iPad, and voice. My performing material consisted of letters on alphabet beads I drew at random from a small box. I sang/intoned these letters, and also entered them into the iDevices for use in the program abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, running on both. The captions of the photos (taken by Catherine Schieve) are the phonemes I was performing at the time, according to Catherine.