Concert at Box Hill Institute May 9 2013

Last Thursday, as part of the Performance Seminar Series at Box Hill Institute, I performed 3 pieces, two solo and one duet with Craig Schneider. I had the presence of mind to get them videoed, and enough spare memory cells to remember to bring the camera (!) so we got them recorded. Here they are for you listening and viewing pleasure, complete with the notes to them I put on YouTube.
A live performance for alphabet beads, iPhone and iPad, both with Jorg Piringer's abcedefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz app, voice, and small loudspeakers mounted on my belt. I draw random letters from the alphabeads, then load those into the iOS devices, and use that as a score for an improvisation with letter sounds to accompany the electronic (German) phonemes. I first performed this piece at La Mama Theatre in Carlton, Melbourne in March 2013. This performance was given as part of the Performance Seminar Series at Box Hill Institute on May 9, 2013.
A live electronic performance. With my left hand, I'm performing an iPad with the app SoundSquares by Mark Verstraete. My right hand is performing an Alesis Air F/X, an effects unit with uses hand motion to change the settings of the selected effect. There are four sections to the piece. In each section I'm performing notes from 6 different 7-note scales derived from Ervin Wilson's "Mt. Meru" scales. ( With this piece, I'm trying to get beyond the notion of live electronic music performance happening behind a laptop or a keyboard, and make the performance more physical, and body-based. Looking at the video, it's clear that I probably need both a director, to make me stand up straighter, and some refresher Alexander Technique lessons, to get me moving with more ease. Losing 10 kilos wouldn't hurt either. Then again, this performance is a start in a direction I want to go further with. Performed as part of the Performance Seminar Series at Box Hill Institute on Thursday, May 9, 2013 by Warren Burt. Camera by Tim Opie, and many thanks to Tim for doing that. And if you're in Melbourne, do take a trip to Princes Pier in Port Melbourne - it's a very unique and really beautiful environment.