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Six Wilson Tunings - Performance at Make It Up Club - July 22

Here's a video of me performing a new piece "Six Wilson Tunings" which Catherine shot on her cell phone at the Make It Up Club, at the Bar Open in Fitzroy, last Tuesday, July 22.  It was one of those performances where everything came together nicely, and I'm really happy that the piece was able to be recorded. 

Here's what I said about the video on YouTube:

Warren Burt plays "6 Wilson Tunings" on iPad at The Make It Up Club on 22 July 2014, Bar Open, Fitzroy, Melbourne.  This is a live iPad performance using the still-in-beta-testing Wilsonic app, and Thumbjam, Jasuto, Musix Pro and Audiobus apps.  Wilsonic generated the scales, which were loaded into Thumbjam.  Both apps were played live, Wilsonic with its own internal keyboards, Thumbjam with the Musix Pro hexagonal MIDI keyboard.  Both went into Jasuto, which was patched to provide phase shifting and seven-second delays. There are six overlapping sections in the piece, each of which uses a different Wilson "Moment of Symmetry" scale, each successive one based on the 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, and 21st harmonics.  Each section also uses a different organ, accordion, or flute-like timbre.  The video was shot on a Sony Xperia phone by Catherine Schieve. 

I hope you enjoy the performance!

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