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Review of Kaleidoscope - amazing new software, and an interview with Andrew Souter, it's creator

I just had published, in Soundbytes magazine (soundbytesmag.net) my review of 2CAudio's new and wonderful program Kaleidoscope.  http://soundbytesmag.net/wcaudiokaleidoscope/  Kaleidoscope, as you'll see, is an amazing new take on the idea of graphic synthesis, as well as offering tuning resources not before available with that technique.  I also conducted an interview with Andrew Souter, the developer of Kaleidosope, and a lovely guy he is too.  Here's a link to that interview, in the same issue: http://soundbytesmag.net/andrewsouterinterview/.

Here's a look at the GUI of Kaleidoscope - which is explained in detail in the article.


And here's a 24 minute long piece I just finished with Kaleidoscope. This is about 6 different patterns made with Kaleidoscope and mixed, using about 4 or 5 different tunings.  It's called "Kaleidoscope Mix Nr 2," although I know I could do better than that for a title.


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