Flute, Guitar and Recording - a new performance by Unassisted Fold

Unassisted Fold, which is Flavio Virzi, guitar, and Sonja Horlacher, flute, have just made a version of my "Flutes Guitars Celli" from 2014, and they've done a wonderful job with it. "Flutes Guitars Celli" is a 30 minute recording made with the Novation Launchpad, where I improvise a mix of recorded microtonal melodies played with flute, guitar and cello samples. This recording is then to be used by a chamber ensemble to improvise with. Flavio and Sonja assembled a 5 minute recording of various bits from the tape, and then improvised with it, and the results are, I think, splendid. They call their version "flute, guitar and recording," and it will eventually appear on a forthcoming album of theirs. Flavio has performed my music in the past. He's played my "Fast Random Walk on a Microtonal Fingerboard" for guitar, and then in 2013 performed a guitar and percussion version of my "Bourbaki Two" which was originally written for violin and percussion. So it was a delight to hear from him and to hear the recording of their realization of my piece. Many thanks for them, and also thanks for letting me share this recording with you. Enjoy!
And for those of you without access to a Flash Player (meaning you can't see the player above this sentence), you can download the piece HERE.