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Distortion Study 17 September 2020

Here's a piece made with miRack software on the iPad.  miRack is the version of VCV Rack made for the iPad, and it has a number of wonderful modules in it.  In this piece, I'm using three distortion modules, which do very different things.  First is the Audible Instruments Resonator, which is a physical modelling module, designed to place sounds inside various stimulated resonating objects.  Second is an emulator of the old Serge Wavefolder from Lindenberg Research. And finally is a very nice realization of a very versatile Filter from Squinky Labs.  A sample of William Burroughs reading from Junky is played through the patch - first just the Resonator, then the Resonator through the Wavefolder, then the Resonator and the Wavefolder through the Filter.  Accompanying this is a little microtonal melody made by a couple of out of phase counters triggering off steps in the Squonk, which is Antonio Tuzzi's realization of the Serge Touch Keyboard Sequencer.  Later the Squonk also changes pitches on the Resonator, which makes the modified voice sound positively recitative like, to my ears.  Made on the iPad with headphones while lying in bed in the middle of the night.  I probably should be sleeping instead. If you look carefully at all the knobs, you can see how various controls are turned at various times, making the changes in the sounds you hear. 


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