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Modulisme - Internet Radio for Modular Synthesis Music - Serge-o-Vox Special

Philippe Petit, in France, has organized a series of streaming internet radio shows called Modulisme.  The latest edition, the first of four, features music made on the Serge synthesizer, over the years.  You can find it here:


The playlist for this show includes my 1973 piece "French Fried Minds of Walruses and Caterpillars" from "Harmonia Mundane."  The first section of FFM is a vintage Serge piece - interesting for its combination of FM, subharmonics, and glissando techniques.  Future editions of Modulisme will contain three other selections of Serge-made pieces, with a number of my pieces included.  And eventually, there will be a special Modulisme session devoted to just my music.  So stay tuned.  Modulisme happens on Modular Station, an Internet radio & web portal dedicated to electronic music made with modular synthesis, test equipment & experimental instruments.  Find out more about Modular Station on https://modular-station.com/.

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