Subharmonics and Srutis - Live, 12 November 2010

Last Friday, Catherine and I performed our new collaborative piece "Subharmonics and Srutis" for the Dream Stream Festival, part of Ione's 15 Annual Dream Festival, from the Deep Listening Institute. The performance was web-cast on Ustream, which also recorded it. The performance is described in the blog post below, and now, here's the video.
Ustream records from the moment you press "record" and "broadcast," and the videos can't be edited afterwards. So, in order to avoid boredom (watching us sitting around waiting for the top of the hour), fast forward to about 4:55, our performance starts there, and goes for 19 minutes. There are ads aplently, running across the bottom of the screen - that's the nature of Ustream. The video is pretty low-res, but the sound is surprisingly good. We enjoyed doing this performance, and we enjoyed seeing the recording. We hope you enjoy it too.
And if you want to see other performances from the Dream Stream Festival, just go to
where all the performances are archived.