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Concert at EMF Studios New York - Dec 20, 2010

Monday, Dec 20, I gave a small concert at the new Electronic Music Foundation studios in New York.  Organized by Joel Chadabe, it was a lot of fun. Thanks Joel and all the EMF staff and thanks to Joel for recording the gig!  A full house of about 30 attended.  Here's the concert for your listening pleasure.  The piece is about 45:20 long.  It was made with by alternating performances on my netbook controlled by a keyboard and a box-o-sliders with performances on my iPhone processed through the Korg Mini-KP effects unit.  Lots of quotes, lots of found objects, and it has a nice sort of arc to it.  If you want a copy of the file, go to www.zebraandmoose.com/sounds/WarenBurt_Concert_EMF_Dec20.mp3.  In Google Chrome, at any rate, a player will come up, and if you right click on the player, you can download the file.  Happy Holly Daze.  


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